Tuesday, August 12, 2008


One child with Nemo + One child at a friends + Two children with an audio book and the craft supplies + a mom with her face not in a screen but with a pencil and paper in her hands = a nice list of saints books, good literature, living history books, geology and ornithology books, an abundance of possible writing topics for the children, poetry book found, classical cds in order, first read aloud chosen with lots more lined up, and the art prints saved in my pictures. I feel great.... I have a great bunch of books, a rhythm we like to work with that mixes the best of some skill practice, a generous palette, and lots of real life, and a cozy (computerless!) evening with Taran Wanderer (our present book we are enjoying together) before us.

Hey, thanks Theresa for a bit of a reality check...

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Well, you are very welcome!Sounds like great plans to me!